Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Saving Creatives

Save creatives by clicking the Save icon on the Ribbon Bar.

When a creative is saved the content is saved, and the content processor is displayed if there are any outstanding variables, events or images to be mapped.

If changes have been made to a creative or any of its contents and you exit the creative without saving the changes an Unsaved Changes dialog box is displayed prompting you to save these changes.

When an Email content is saved for the first time the following variables are applied to it:

  • Message Open: This allows you to track whether your campaign was opened by recipients
  • Attachments: A placeholder to insert a link to your attachments.

These variables are not seen by campaign recipients.

If these variables are deleted when the content is saved again they will reappear in the content. These variables are needed to track campaigns, and ensure attachments can be seen by your recipients, so therefore cannot be deleted.

  • Unsubscribe: This link can be deleted from the content allowing you to insert your own unsubscribe link in place of it, or or place our standard link in more appropriate location within your creative.

When a Webpage content is saved for the first time the following variables are applied to it:

  • Message Open: This allows you to track whether your campaign was opened by recipients
  • Attachments: A placeholder to insert a link to your attachments.

Recipients will not see these variables when they open an email from you. If you delete out these variables when the Webpage content is saved again they will not appear in the content.

Note: If Approvals and Notes is switched on any email creatives, used as part of a campaign, that is live or in an approval state, are locked disabling the Save dialogue. If saving is attempted a warning message highlighting which campaigns have the creative locked appears advising to move the campaign into an editing state to make any updates. Save As can still be used to make a copy of the creative.
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